72, Installation, 2014, 72 individual works oil and pigment on paper, each 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm - over all ca.10 x 20' , 3 x 6m
01 - 72, VAV HEY VAV, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
02 - 72, YUD LAMED YUD, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
03 - 72, SAMESH YUD TET, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
04 - 72, AYIN LAMED MEM, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
05 - 72, MEM HEY SHIN, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
06 - 72, LAMED LAMED HEY, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
07 - 72, ALEPH KAF ALEPH, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
08 - 72, TAV HEY KAF, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
09 - 72 HEY ZAYIN YUD, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
10 - 72, DALED LAMED ALEPH, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
11 - 72, LAMED ALEPH VAV, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
12 - 72, HEY HEY AYIN, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
13 - 72, YUD ZAYIN LAMED, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
14 - 72, MEM BET HEY, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
15 - 72, HEY RESH YUD, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
16 - 72, VAV ALEPH LAMED, 2013 -2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51x51cm
17 - 72, LAMED ALEPH VAV, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
18 - 72, KAF LAMED YUD, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
19 - 72, LAMED VAV VAV, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
20 - 72, PEY HEY LAMED, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
21 - 72, NUN LAMED KAF, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
22 - 72, YUD YUD YUD, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
23 - 72, MEM LAMED HEY, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
24- 72, CHET HEY VAV, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
25 - 72, NUN TUV HEY, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
26 - 72, HEY ALEPH ALEPH, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
27 - 72, YUD RESH TAV, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
28 - 72, SHIN ALEPH HEY, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
29 - 72, RESH YUD YUD, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
30 - 72. ALEPH VAV MEM, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
31 - 72, LAMED KAF BET, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
32 - 72, VAV SHIN RESH, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigments on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
33 - 72, YUD CHET VAV, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
34 - 72, LAMED HEY CHE, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
35 - 72, KAV VAV KUF, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
36 - 72, MEM NUN DALED, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
37 - 72, ALEPH NUN YUD, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
38 - 72, CHET AYIN MEM, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
39 - 72, RESH HEY AYIN, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
40 - 72, YUD YUD ZAYIN, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
41 - 72, HEY HEY HEY, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
42 - 72, MEM YUD KAF, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
43 - 72, VAV VAV LAMED, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
44 - 72, YUD LAMED HEY, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
45 - 72, SAMECH ALEPH LAMED, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
46 - 72, AYIN RESH YUD, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
47 - 72, AYIN SHIN LAMED, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
48 - 72, MEM YUD HEY, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
49 - 72, VAV HEY VAV, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
50 - 72, DALED NUN YUD, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
51 - 72, HEY CHET SHIN, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
52 - 72, AYIN MEM MEM, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
53 - 72, NUN NUN ALEPH, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
54 - 72, NUN YUD TAV, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
55 - 72, MEM BET HEY, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
56 - 72, PEY VAV YUD, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
57 - 72, NUN MEM MEM, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
58 - 72, YUD YUD LAMED, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
59 - 72, HEY RESH CHET, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
60 - 72, MEM ZADIK RESH, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
61 - 72, VAV MED BET, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
62 - 72, YUD HEY HEY, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
63 - 72, AYIN NUN VAV, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
64 - 72 YUD CHET MEM, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
65 - 72, DALED MEM BET, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
66 - 72, MEM NUN KUF, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
67 - 72, ALEPH YUD AYIN, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
68 - 72, CHET BET VAV, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
69 - 72, RESH ALEPH HEY, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
70 - 72, YUD BET MEM, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
71 - 72, HEY YUD YUD, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
72 - 72, MEM VAV MEM, 2013 - 2014, oil and pigment on paper, 20 x 20", 51 x 51cm
72 is a series of works on paper each measuring 20 x 20", 51 x51cm. The dimensions for showing them together are variable depending on the space. Each piece starts out as a monotype and a number of them have added brush markings.
The idea for the series originated by looking at Hebrew letters. I started with the first one in the summer of 2013 while working on Fire Island where I usually make smaller works during the summer season. The idea of doing all of them the grew naturally. I finished them by the following April of 2014 working all winter at my studio in New York. The shapes fascinated me and their spiritual power seemd to sustain my endeavor over these nine month. These pieces contain three letters each. According to Kabbalah tradition these 72 combination of three Hebrew letters are unsed for meditative purposes. Each representing a particular aspect for meditating to achieve personal growth just by scanning. One can find more informationon on this by looking into "72 names god" on various sites.
I am very exited about a project combining these individual works with musical compositions. I recently connected with a group of contemporary composers led by Gene Pritsker. Each of the piece is to serve as inpiration for a one minute choral piece for four voices. We are at the beginning of this process and I will make the music available when it is recorded.